
I heard that some drivers use the radio in the car, tell you why it is necessary

Of course, it has many advantages. Especially if you often travel long distances. In this article we will discuss the main points of the purchase and installation of the radio.

Why do we need a radio in the car

You can:

- communicate with those traveling in relative proximity with you. In general, it is not necessary to communicate directly, you can just listen.

You can ask for help even if there is no mobile connection.

- to find out the traffic situation, usually on the air passes information about congestion, accidents, floods, mobile traffic police cameras and many other things.

How to install the radio in the car

Installing the radio inside the cabin can be carried out in any convenient place, given the fact that it can be killed in a prominent place when leaving the car. Power connection occurs through the cigarette lighter socket. Truckers in Russia operate at a frequency of 27.135 MHz. The fact that the heap often appears on the air is small. To get information, you need to get information.

If you have additional questions, do not hesitate to ask them - we will be happy to help you!

You can summarize it. A CBS radio in a passenger car of an ordinary city dweller, whose work is not related to a car and in which rare long-distance inter-city travel is not needed. The discomfort of it is much more than practical use. In addition to the above examples, which were identified in the process of this simple experiment:

1 - The radio should be listened to instead of music. If you are accustomed to Beethoven and Bach, they will be replaced by hissing, crackling, advertising and checkmate. That the system will die. Everything you need is all ready. You can not only be a consumer of information.

2 - The radio is absolutely impossible to use. It is such a high-rise mat that wraps up in the service book in the glove compartment ...

3 - The ration in the interior creates an additional attraction for autoruns, and when moving, the antenna often creates a hum or whistle. This can be fought with new models designed for concealed installation, noise insulation, etc., but these are half measures.

4 - Radio communication is an expensive toy, especially in a crisis. After 10 thousand dollars it became very difficult. In addition, you need to add services for laying power and tuning the antenna. For the "armless" citizen it will cost a lot of money.

5 - Equipment for CBC radio, and do not produce serious reputable firms. Walkie-talkies and antennas are produced by motley Chinese hackers — often like OEM models on which different “brands” stick. Most likely, you have the opportunity to tune the antenna, and in a year the station will also stall.